
"Let the ideas flow down your nerves,
And imagination come into motion!"

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success.

Chetan Kumar Sinha

Your mind hears itself loudest, only when you're quiet


If you put on your socks wrong , then everything in this universe is contained in your sock except your foot.

Ayush Singh

You have to fake sleep in order to get real one.

Ayush Singh

Behind the most beautiful eyes, lay secrets deeper and darker than the mysterious sea.

Sakshi Parmar

I resent drugs. I resent life. But yet i am high... High as a kite.

Shakti S Panda

Every cell in your body knows how to replicate DNA, but you don't.

Ayush Singh

People have pushed me to the point where my unintentional mistakes are intentional.

Aradhana Nayak

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